How To Set Up A Salsarita’s Fundraiser
Salsarita’s is a restaurant that provides the local community with fresh and fun Mexican food. GroupRaise is an online platform that enables restaurants to hold a fundraiser in which groups of 20-200+ people order from a local restaurant in exchange for a percentage of their sales being given to a cause they care about. This article will outline the steps for setting up a Salsarita’s fundraiser with GroupRaise

How to organize a Salsarita’s fundraising event
A Salsarita’s fundraiser is an excellent choice for college students, organizations, clubs and PTAs.
Using the GroupRaise platform, you can easily set up a restaurant fundraiser with Salsarita’s. Each step will be described in detail below to assist you.
Set Up an Account:
First, sign up at the GroupRaise site.
Create Your Group:
You’ll be requested to set up a group profile so the restaurant can learn more about your cause.
Check if all of your information is correct before clicking the Submit button.
Visit the Home Page:
After you’ve logged in, go to the GroupRaise main page.
Search near your address:
You can discover Salsarita’s locations giving back near you by using the search bar.
When you enter your address or city, GroupRaise will find all of the restaurants in your area. You can schedule your event at the nearest Salsarita’s restaurant from the list.
Select the location and continue.
Book a Date:
Once you click the location, it will take you to the next screen where you’ll be able to reserve the best date for your organization.

Normally you’ll have to book a meal at least two weeks in advance. Tip: The bolded dates mean they are open for fundraisers.
You will also be able to select the time range for your event on this page.
Click Next, once you’ve chosen the date.
Estimated Attendance:
You’ll have to indicate an approximate number of attendees here. This will assist Salsarita’s and you in setting expectations for your meal.
When you enter the estimated number of participants, it will calculate the Estimated Fundraising Return.
Make sure you’ve read the Salsarita’s Policies before clicking the Review button.
Share it — Everywhere!
Once Salsarita’s confirms your fundraising event, you can move forward with promotion. Share posts on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and immediately inform your family and friends so that they can invite their network too.
Enjoy the Meal & Enjoy your Donation:
Finally, all you have to do on the event day is to enjoy a meal with your community, and 15-20% of the orders will be donated to your cause.

Ready to plan a Salsarita’s give back night?
That’s it! We hope this article has explained to you how to plan a Salsarita’s fundraiser using GroupRaise.
If you need help, please visit our Help Center & Blog, where you can find frequently asked questions about setting up a restaurant fundraiser. If you want, you can also send an email to
So what are you waiting for? Organize your Salsarita’s fundraiser today to start raising money for your organization.