Marco’s Pizza Fundraising Step-by-Step
Fundraising just got a whole lot more delicious! If there’s anything more satisfying than enjoying amazing pizza, it’s pizza plus raising money for your favorite cause.
Marco’s Pizza is passionate about giving back to their local communities and they’re showing it by giving back 10% of sales to local fundraising groups!
We’ll give you the full run-down on the whos, whats, and hows, and why Marco’s Pizza fundraising is perfect for your group.

Image by GroupRaise
Setting Up Your Marco’s Pizza Fundraising Event
Here’s the scoop on how Marco’s Pizza fundraising works. It only takes 1 minute to set up your fundraiser!
- Choose a location near you
- Select a date and time that’s good for your group and its supporters
- Complete some basic info about your group
- Click submit!
It doesn’t matter whether you are a PTA, college club, charity, or church – any group can fundraise!
The restaurant will have 7 days to respond to your request, and you will need to book at least 14 days in advance, so you have plenty of time to spread the word.
Once you get the confirmation, blast your event’s unique GroupRaise Meal Page to all your family, friends, and supporters so they can RSVP. Facebook, Instagram, email, phone calls-use it all. The more people attend, the more money you earn for your group or charity!
Want to make sure your event is a hit? We’ve put together all of our best practices and tips on how to promote and host a successful restaurant fundraiser.
During your event, it’s all smooth sailing. No need to rally volunteers for a hard day’s work washing cars or baking – all they need to do is enjoy some tasty pizza!
Within 4-6 weeks after the event, expect a check in the mail for 10% of the total sales from your event. Cha-ching!
You can hold as many Marco’s Pizza fundraising events as you want. Go ahead and request your next one, if you like!
Is a Marco’s Pizza fundraising event right for me?
Marco’s Pizza is known for their excellent pizza, including classic pepperoni magnifico pizza and garden pizza. Whatever you choose, you’re in for a fantastic experience.
Even picky eaters will find a delicious option within the menu. There are plenty of vegetarian options. There are gluten-sensitive options too! See the Marco’s Pizza website for more info about their tasty offerings.
Plus, with an average order price of $11, your organization will be raking in the dough! 10% of your group’s sales will go toward your fundraiser, which adds up pretty quickly. You’ll be able to fund your group’s goals in no time.
Be a Trail Blazer for your Community
Two ingredients for a successful restaurant fundraiser: delicious pizza and a generous host. With Marco’s Pizza, your restaurant fundraiser comes, ready-made, with both! Ready to partner with a service-minded restaurant that’s determined to help your group earn the big bucks? Organize your Marco’s Pizza fundraising event, or explore hundreds of other restaurants that are ready to help your group change the world-one meal at a time!