A Match Made in Pizza: MOD Pizza and Best Buddies
If you’re not already in love with MOD Pizza for their delicious artisan pizza and fun style, get ready to fall head over heels. Not only do they serve up individual, made-on-demand pizzas– any toppings, one price–MOD Pizza has a larger vision: to make a positive impact in their communities.
One of the ways they are fulfilling that vision is by teaming up with Best Buddies International, a nonprofit providing support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Now, you can enjoy your favorite MOD pizza and raise money for Best Buddies at the same time! MOD Pizza is taking their community involvement to the next level by hosting a regional fundraiser for Best Buddies. On October 19th, 2019, at over 130 locations in California, Phoenix, Chicago, and more, MOD Pizza will donate 20% of sales back to Best Buddies–click here to RSVP.
Read on to learn more about the Best Buddies fundraiser and how MOD Pizza and Best Buddies are joining forces to change the world!

You’re Invited! The Best Buddies Fundraiser at MOD Pizza
Craveable, customizable artisan pizza that you can create exactly how you like it PLUS quality time with family and friends PLUS fundraising for a worthy cause. Can you think of a better combination?
Who: You! And all of your friends and family.
What: Eat delicious pizza and raise money for Best Buddies at the same time.
When: October 19th, 2019 – All Day
Where: Over 130 MOD Pizza locations in Northern California, Southern California, Phoenix, Chicago, and more!
Why: Support programs for people with intellectual disabilities and raise awareness about the importance of opportunities for people with disabilities. Plus, who doesn’t love pizza and community giving?
How: RSVP to let MOD Pizza know you are coming. Then, show up at a MOD Pizza and tell the cashier you are dining in support of Best Buddies.
Can’t make it on October 19th? Don’t worry, MOD Pizza is celebrating the birthday of Best Buddies with a special “No Name Cake” during the whole month of October. A portion of the sale of this limited edition “No Name Cake” will go to support the Best Buddies jobs program. Plus, you can always donate to Best Buddies anytime you like.
Do you have your own cause that’s near and dear to your heart? MOD Pizza also hosts fundraisers for other local nonprofits. Click here to find out more and request your own fundraiser!

MOD Pizza: Embracing a Broader Purpose
When Scott and Ally Svenson founded MOD Pizza in Seattle in 2008, their vision included much more than pizza. They not only wanted to create a successful restaurant with fast, healthy food, but also make a difference in the communities they serve.
This community-oriented approach has led MOD Pizza to collaborate with Best Buddies. As part of their ongoing partnership, Best Buddies and MOD Pizza work together to provide life-changing job opportunities to people with mental disabilities. Best Buddies provides the enthusiastic, hard-working talent and MOD Pizza is an employment partner, offering fulfilling jobs.
As co-founder and chief purpose officer of MOD Ally Svenson puts it:
“At MOD, we often say ‘talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not’. And when we learned that 81% of adults with disabilities do not have paying jobs in their communities, we knew the platform of MOD could be used to address this social issue. Great partners make us better, and Best Buddies brings incredible programs to help us be a great employer for our Squad members with IDD. Our ultimate goal is to positively impact our employees and through them, the communities we serve – creating a more inclusive place for all, and hopefully an example for other companies to follow.”
MOD Pizza is both talking the talk and walking the walk–today, they employ about 300 people with disabilities. MOD is dedicated to inclusivity in the workplace. Not only will MOD help raise money for Best Buddies programs, but they also commit to hiring individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Best Buddies: Making Friendships and Opening Doors
What makes Best Buddies such a worthy cause and charitable partner? Since Anthony K. Shriver founded the first Best Buddies chapter at Georgetown University in 1987, Best Buddies has worked to make the world more welcoming to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, helping them make social and professional connections.
Shriver started out with the goal of helping kids with mental disabilities socialize and make friends. In the first Best Buddies program, he connected kids with and without IDD, fostering friendship, awareness, and social skills. Today, these One-to-One Friendships continue, helping kids and adults alike.
81% of people with developmental disabilities do not have a paid job. That’s where the Best Buddies Jobs Program comes in. Best Buddies pairs people with disabilities to jobs that suit their interests. They also provide job-related support such as interview practice and a Best Buddies Employment Consultant.
Best Buddies also helps people with and without IDD to learn public speaking skills through their Leadership Development program. Finally, they provide integrated and inclusive living opportunities.
Rest assured that when you contribute to Best Buddies, you are supporting a nonprofit with a clear vision and a crucial mission, directly improving the lives of people with disabilities.
Join the Movement
If you haven’t already sunk your teeth into a delicious slice of their customizable artisan pizza, then head on over to MOD Pizza on October 19th. You’ll be able to enjoy a fantastic meal and contribute to Best Buddies at the same time. You may even make a new friend!