3 Steps to Hosting GroupRaise Meals like a PRO - GroupRaise

3 Steps to Hosting GroupRaise Meals like a PRO

Posted by Devin

You might be new to GroupRaise or you might be hosting your 15th event but here is a quick refresher on the 3 key steps to hosting like a PRO!

  1. Accepting a request

  2. Hosting fundraiser customers

  3. Issuing donations

1. Accepting a request

The experience starts with you responding to the request by logging onto www.groupraise.com/sign_in.

Two cents from the team:

  • Respond timely: Accepting within 48 hours of request is proven to increase event sales by 20%
  • Give a call to the organizer: Communicate any extra details and check progress of promotion

2. Hosting fundraiser customers

It’s the day of the event! Before customers flood in, here are two helpful tips for a seamless event:

1) Communicate with the event Organizer: Use the Chat Feature available on your shared event page to send a message to the event Organizer. Here you can iron out any details or simply say hello! We find that open communication is super important for setting expectations.

2) Inform employees in-store: How to have a happy event? By having happy employees who are informed and welcoming to fundraiser guests. Make sure your managers communicate to avoid any confusion.

Two cents from the team

  • Customers generally come in small groups throughout the event period unless specified, which means there is no need for over-staffing.

3. Issuing donations

Once you’ve successfully hosted the organization, report the sales amount online to let the organizer know.

  • Once you have updated the sales the group will be notified and they expect to receive their check shortly after!


Two cents from the team

  • Groups book additional events once they receive their check. Keep in mind if you would like to benefit from a follow-up event be sure to send the group their check at your earliest convenience. 
  • Don’t forget to benefit from tax-exemption for your donation.
  • You can choose to mail the check or ask the group to pick up at the restaurant at their convenience.