The most delicious way to change the world

My Own GroupRaise Review
If you had asked me to host a fundraiser a year ago I wouldn’t have known where to start. I probably would have gone straight to google in search of a how-to guidebook. This all changed when I joined the fundraising experts at GroupRaise. As much as I… Read More

New Ways to Raise Money for Moms
A Shout Out to Moms From birth to eighteen, your kids will need to fundraise dozens of times for sports teams, field trips, school supplies, dances… you name it, and you’re constantly looking for new ways to raise money. Fundraising is an art, but sometimes you’re… Read More

Reaching 20 RSVP’s For Your Charitable Fundraiser Event
One of the very first steps in planning your fundraiser event, is obtaining the initial 20 RSVP’s. The reason why there must be 20 confirmed attendees before your date and time can be solidified, is because this number ensures that you will have a successful… Read More

Cheerleading fundraiser at Jason’s Deli: even cheerleaders need supporters!
The Madison Memorial Cheerleaders and their supporters gathered at Jason’s Deli in Madison, for an afternoon of delicious food while raising funds for their upcoming cheer events. They had a wonderful time and they shared their experience with us. Meet this beautiful girls… Read More

How Charities Can Host Successful and Unique Fundraiser Dinners
As a co-founder of GroupRaise and the head of marketing, I have supported hundreds of charities in their fundraising efforts throughout the last five years. I’ve seen swells of charities host successful and unique fundraiser dinners, but I’ve also seen an abundance of… Read More

How I reached my fundraising goal without breaking a sweat
My name is Elena and since 2007, I have been involved with the Alzheimer’s Association in honor of my grandmother. First through the Boston Chapter, then Austin and now the Greater Dallas Chapter. I have participated in walks in all three cities but over the past few years… Read More

Surefire Fundraising Strategies for Charities
At GroupRaise, we have been working with charities for years and understand how challenging it can be to look for more and more ways to fundraise. Here are some fundraising strategies that can be used by the staff or delegated to volunteers and supporters so everyone feels empowered… Read More

Tips for Moms’ Fundraising Goals: Reaching 20 Supporters
An Ode to Mothers You are a chef, a chauffeur, a household manager, a motivational powerhouse, and on top of all that you have volunteered to fundraise for your child’s school. You are a supermom, and GroupRaise is here to help relieve some of that pressure… Read More

5 College Fundraisers that Should NOT Use GroupRaise
GroupRaise is a fast and incredibly easy way to set up a restaurant fundraiser for your club, sports team, fraternity or sorority, local charity, etc. The entire process takes one minute to find the perfect restaurant for your cause and… Read More

The Fundraising Plan on Going from Zero to Twenty
To help you with your fundraising plan, one of our awesome and easy promotion tools is the Meal Page where your supporters can RSVP. This allows you to share your event via email and social media and to keep track of who’s coming. At GroupRaise, we ask for… Read More